And now into the unknown...
- Category: Diabetes Backpacking
- Published: Monday, 12 May 2014 10:21
- Written by Tim Omer
- Hits: 11161

Today, exactly 5 months and 12 days into our trip around Asia.
For Australia and New Zealand we had easy access to fridges, in Singapore was a full backup of supplies stored safe and sound for my restocking when returning from our 3 month Cambodia, Thailand and Malaysia trip.
As we head into Sumatra
we carry all off my Pump, Blood Test Meter and Insulin supplies, into countries where the health care is not so mature like Malaysia and Singapore.
Some of my Insulin has now been out the fridge and in Frio wallets (spending some time in a fridge if possible when staying more than a night) for over 5 months. Every new Insulin Vial I start I check for any white specks as sign of deterioration, so far so good and no noticed effects on my blood sugars. But, at the back of my head I am thinking of the possible day when all my Insulin spoils and I'm a flight away from a decent hospital!
Let's see how I get along.
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