April in images

Best Dinosaur ever!

As the post says, summary of April in images...

  • Malaysia has a mix of amazing food and very friendly people
  • Stopping off in random towns is a great way to meet the locals and do karaoke with them!
  • Leeches like me
  • KL has the best Reflexology we have had and advice on traditional Chinese medicine
  • Malacca is beautiful and you must go to the Crystal Cafe for the amazing Cakes and people
  • Popped back to Singapore for a few days to restock on meds
  • Hello Sumatra!
Read more: April in images

Into the jungle with blood sugar fun


While in Sumatra we booked a two day one night jungle trek into the Gurung Leuser to spot our close relatives the Orangutans.

This was not a deep jungle trek, more of a intro for beginners. Therefore I was not too worried about the amount of diabetes supplies to carry, a full insulin pump and spare infusion set should enough.

After a morning trekking things where not going to plan.

Read more: Into the jungle with blood sugar fun