June in images

Offerings to the dead

As the post says, summary of June in images...

  • Indonesia is still massive!
  • Sometimes corruption can work in your favour
  • Fresh fish is great!
  • Snorkeling (and diving) is fantastic at Labuan Bajo, Komodo
  • Eating is even better at Labuan Bajo!
  • Sulawesi is lovely
  • 600km from Sulawesi to the Philippines, why does that take 3 flights and over 17 hours worth of traveling
Read more: June in images

5 bottles of frozen insulin and 72 hours to live - Part 3

YAY Humalog

Knowing Hong Kong was my best bet I researched and contacted the two largest pharmacies for details of Humalog supply and cost. Only Mannings responded confirming they can supply Humalog and it would be 408 HKD, around £30 a bottle. This was great news, I would need 3 bottles to last me the rest of the trip.

Read more: 5 bottles of frozen insulin and 72 hours to live - Part 3