Death to HAPP, long live HAPP+

Proposed UI Design for HAPP+

Just over a year ago I discovered the OpenAPS and xDrip community projects and was excited at the possibilities to finally manage the data I can now collect about myself as a Type 1 Diabetic. I am fascinated by the use of technology and “easy access” for the wider nontechnical population, while I loved the goal of OpenAPS, I struggled with the logic of carrying a tiny computer, battery, cables and lack of visual feedback. These challenges could be resolved by porting the project to a mobile platform, with this utopia in mind I looked at learning Android application development.

Read more: Death to HAPP, long live HAPP+

ATTD 2017 - The future is bright, but "now" is still neglected

ATTD 2017

For the 10th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes (ATTD 2017) the Nightscout Foundation sent me to Paris to represent the growing Citizen Science Patient Movement #WeAreNotWaiting.

There was a very clear theme to this year's conference, making use of Patient Data and Artificial Pancreas Systems, but from the #WeAreNotWaiting patient perspective is this what we need, right now? 

Read more: ATTD 2017 - The future is bright, but "now" is still neglected