DIY, Open Loop, Artificial Pancreas

DIY, Open Loop, Artificial Pancreas

Fractured hip, major operation, my wedding in hospital and building an Artificial Pancreas - to say the last few months have been eventful is an understatement (my wedding deserves its own blog post).

After reducing the cost of a CGM by hacking my CGM Transmitter and getting xDrip up and working I started work on building the Android App porting over the community code to native Android.

To my surprise with no mobile development experience 2 months later I have a working open loop DIY Artificial Pancreas.


Introducing HAPP

Hackabetes Artificial Pancreas Project app

The App is designed to replace the functions of the Roche Accu-Chek Spirit Combo Meter in logging treatments and provides a Bolus Wizard that uses CGM readings. The algorithm is implenmted to determin the predicted 15 minute blood glucoues values and suggested Temp Basals.

As it stands the App can:

  • Capture your Bolus and Carb Treatments
  • Bolus Wizard
  • Suggested Temp Basal based on
  • Notifications for Android and Android Wear when a new Temp Basal is suggested
  • Visuals showing Carb and IOB over time and Basal vs Temp Basal adjustments

In the last few weeks I have been using the app to give me suggested Temp Basal every 15mins and manually setting them on my pump. This has been an interesting experience already changing my behaviour on how I treat my hypers and hypos and better understand how OpenAPS algorithm operates.


The final puzzle piece

The last part of the app to be completed is connecting the mobile phone to the pump via Bluetooth, I am on the hunt now for anyone to assist me with this process.

If you believe you can help or donate a Accu-Chek Spirit Combo Pump \ Meter let me know!

Please checkout the code, feedback and help is more than welcome. Please do note I am a complete novice to Android development and if you see something that should be actioned better please do say!



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The contents of this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your Diabetes support team or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition.Sorry, have to say something like this!